I just wonder if perhaps this somehow contributes to my inability to keep up with my blog posting. While in school I almost always wrote out assignments by hand first and would then type them up. Especially if it was a creative writing assignment. This is the part where I can't really explain it to you. I read e books but nothing beats a paper book, and the way a used bookstore smells. To me, a hand written thank you note says you took the time to be personal.
Even though I'm currently making this post from my tablet, due mostly to not wanting to get out of my nice warm bed quite yet, I don't know that I will ever willingly give up paper and pen. My husband has stopped reminding me that I don't have to write things down when he sees me making a list. He must also realize its a lost cause at this point. I have notepads all over the house and an obsession with pens that is verging on unhealthy. If you understand what I'm trying to express, please just cut me a little more slack. If you don't, well... I'm not trying to make excuses, I just feel that writing, no matter what kind, is an
Confession: I still carry paper grocery lists. I have entire spiral notebooks full of to-do lists, menus, budgets, and shopping lists. Your post made me think of an article I read that discussed how writing things out by hand activates different parts of your brain than writing with a keyboard. I know I always retained more knowledge of subjects in school when I took notes by hand rather than using my laptop. I couldn't find the exact article but this one is close http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704631504575531932754922518.html
ReplyDeleteObviously really on top of things around here. Just now getting to your comment. This makes me feel a little less crazy. Thanks for the article. Here's a commercial that strengthens the paper vs. electronic argument. Also, it's just funny. http://vimeo.com/62470169